Astrology is the most ancient, pure and essential form of psychology that exists if we understand the term in its etymological meaning: knowledge of the soul – psyche means soul; and logos means knowledge. Astrology is a symbolic Language and this permits that it can be applied to the understanding of both the general processes and cycles of life and of its unique and particular individual manifestations: human beings. The universe is not far from us and it is not unattainable. We are part of the universe and therefore we have it inside. The configurations in our solar System at a particular moment, our birth moment, are in our essence and describe our life potentials. This birth configuration is called Natal Chart and it is a map that displays the configurations of the solar System when we were born as seen from our birth place. Our natal Chart is therefore a map of our inner potentials which we can use consciously and creatively in our life. The planets are not out there, far away in the sky, doing anything to us, but archetypes we have inside ready for us to use them and build our life in a constructive and conscious way.